How To Get Texas 
Energy Back on Track
Secure Our Energy Infrastructure

so Texans don’t have to live in fear that their power will go out the next time it gets cold. A drop in natural gas supply was one of the leading causes of the grid failure. The Railroad Commission should establish a clear weatherization standard, identify critical gas producers, and ensure preparations for the next winter storm are actually completed.

Reduce emissions

to ensure Texas remains competitive. Lowering Texas oil and gas emissions is just good business, and with the situation in Europe, buyers are increasingly demanding lower-emissions gas. In order to compete, Texas must reduce our emissions. Texans need a Railroad Commission that will consistently enforce existing rules in order to protect the reputation of Texas gas and prevent huge amounts of Texas’ precious natural resources from being wasted through flaring and venting.

Expand Texas energy leadership

to improve energy security and create jobs. Texas has been the energy capital of the world for nearly a century. In order to maintain Texas’ energy leadership and take advantage of the significant economic opportunities in today’s market, we must work to make our oil and gas cleaner, safer, and more affordable while also expanding Texas energy leadership in areas like wind, solar, geothermal, carbon capture, and hydrogen.

Increase transparency and accountability

at the Texas Railroad Commission. 70% of the current Commissioners’ campaign contributions come from the industry they are charged with regulating, and the Commission regularly make decisions without debate or public testimony. Increasing transparency would result in a better-functioning agency and hold our Commissioners accountable to make sure they are serving the public interest, rather than the interest of their campaign donors.

Protect our air and water

for future generations of Texans. The current Railroad Commissioners regularly put their campaign donors ahead of public safety. Recently, Commissioner Wayne Christian went against the recommendation of the RRC inspectors  and approved a waste disposal site that will threaten a major aquifer. Three days later, he received a $100,000 campaign contribution from the site-owners. Plus, abandoned or orphaned wells that the Commission is responsible for regularly leak pollutants that end up in our drinking water. Texans need a Railroad Commission that will stop sacrificing public safety in exchange for campaign contributions.

Luke Warford for Railroad Commission
848 Oglethorpe Avenue, SW
Suite 10927
Atlanta, Georgia 30310
Pol. Adv. Paid for By Luke Warford for Texas

PO Box 6020
Austin, TX 78762

Luke Warford for Railroad Commission © 2021 – 2025